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In-Camera Workshop Sneak Peek

I had an amazing time at Zach and Jody Gray’s (http://www NULL.zachandjody In-Camera workshop this past weekend. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Full post coming soon I promise. Until then here are a few previews of the shots I got.

Photography Tips: Adjusting Custom Settings

Do you know there is a way to adjust your camera’s settings so you can get sharp, saturated images straight out of camera? There is! In this post I am going to show you how to get awesome pictures without spending tons of your precious time sitting in front of a computer.

Both pictures above are straight out of the camera, no editing what-so-ever! See the difference. The left image is set on STANDARD picture style and the right image is my CUSTOMIZED  picture style. Let me show you how to customize your camera. Please note this tutorial is for Canon users. If you are a Nikon user leave a comment below and I will do a post on how to do this on a Nikon. I know it can be done on most cameras.

How to Adjust Your Picture Style

1. Hit the “menu” button on the back of your camera. You should see a screen that looks similar to this. (It’s ok if your screen is not exactly like this)

2. Scroll to the second red box by using your front scroll tool close to the shutter release button.  Then scroll down, or use the up and down arrows,  to select “PICTURE STYLE”.

3. You will several PICTURE STYLES that are already preset.  Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Neutral, Faithful, and Monochrome are the preset PICTURE STYLES that are on my camera. You may just have some of these or you may have all of them. You can adjust one of these, but I suggest you scroll down to USER DEF. 1.

4. Select USER Def 1 by hitting the info button on the left-hand side.

5. Now you can customize your settings by toggling the arrow of each option to either the left or the right. This will be a where you will want to experiment. Change a few of the settings, take a test shot, and see if you like the customizations you made. If not, got back in and tweak them a little. You might want more saturation, but less contrast. It’s totally up to you and your style.

6. Now that you have customized the USER DEF 1 setting in PICTURE STYLE  you will always have it saved in your camera until you change it. To switch PICTURE STYLES back and forth between your custom setting and the presets just hit the PICTURE STYLE button on the back of your camera. You should see a display similar to the one below which allows you to scroll through all the PICTURE STYLES and select your favorite. Notice the ones that say 1, 2, and 3 are the USER DEFAULT options that you will have to customize in order to use.

And that’s it! You have now customized your PICTURE STYLE settings which should give you more control over your images. Please note that if you are shooting in RAW you will still see the customizations you made when viewing your pictures in the camera, just like when shooting in JPEG. But you will not see them during post processing.

If you have any questions about customizing your settings leave a comment. I am glad to help!

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Carissa - I am a Nikon user.

Amanda Gillett - I would definitely like to know how to do this on a Nikon! :))

Katie - Please share nikon info ! Thank you.

Project 52:15 | The Never Ending Task

Project 52:15 | The Never Ending Task

I spend hours here everyday.

Dishes seem to be always calling my name. Needing washed.

I loathe washing dishes.

However, every task is more enjoyable with a precious little helper.

My kids love to sit in the sink. How about yours? She seriously set here for an hour while I was dishes. She was just as happy as she could be. She is in this stage where she wants to be included in everything. Don’t leave her on the floor. She will let you know that she is not happy being left out. Pick her up and put her in the middle of the action and she is content. If only she knew how NOT exciting washing dishes truly is. Oh the joys of childhood and naivety.

AND I must give my self a pat on the back. I finally caught up with my Project 52. Whew. Lets see how long it stays that way.

Happy Friday friends. Hope you are taking lots of pictures of the little moments.

Project 52:14 | Big Steps

Project 52:14 | Big Steps

It was a last minute decision.

He was all for it.

No hesitation. No tears.

Just a kiss and a wave and he was off.

Flying away without his mama.

Big steps for him, but bigger steps for me.

We had a great week with my mom, dad, and brother in town. Eli has a blast. So much so that we didn’t hesitate when I made a last minute decision to let him fly back to Indiana with them. He hasn’t flown since he was seven months old. So I was a little worried about how he would do. Well he’s fascination with airplanes was a big help because the boy did awesome flying all day long. He is having the time of his life in Indiana. I can barely get him to talk to me on the phone for five seconds. I guess it’s a good thing that he is enjoying himself and homesick at all. I am very proud of him. But miss him like crazy already!

Not Ready to Say Goodbye

For the past month or so I haven’t been able to hold back the tears during worship at church. I’m not normally a crier during worship. I am a jumper, hand raiser, dancer type gal. But not lately. Lately I’ve been a little weepy. And I know exactly why.

Beltway, our church in Abilene, is where I feel most at home here in Texas. When I sit in that sanctuary and spend time in worship I am overwhelmed by God’s presence. Every Sunday I am reminded of His love and goodness. In that sanctuary is where I truly encountered God like never before. I knew God before moving to Abilene, but the past five years have been filled with so much spiritual growth and revelation. It is in that place that I met the Holy Spirt and witnessed His power. It is in that place that I have come to know my identity in Christ and where I began to walk in that freedom.

AND it’s in that place that I met my Abilene family, those amazing people who I do life with daily. People who have touched my heart in such a way that I will never be the same. People who have spoke truth into my life and supported me in every arena. People who know the real me and still love me.

And so I cry when I am at church.

Because I know this season is coming to an end. And I am overwhelmed at the blessings God has given me during my time here in Abilene. But part of me selfishly doesn’t want to leave all this behind. However, I’ve known for a while now that God was going to send us out. Our pastor once said that he felt like Beltway was a place to raise up disciples and send them out to the nations. The moment he spoke those words I knew my family and I were included in this calling. And I do feel equipped. I feel empowered and appointed to show God’s love to the nations. I am excited about this opportunity and eager to see what God has in store.

But as excited as I am, I am just not quite ready to say goodbye. Not yet. Praying God will get me to that place. I know that He will. Until then, I remain content to meet Him in that place of worship and cry at His feet.

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Carissa - I know exactly what you mean. I still listen to the sermons online. I only wish that Joel and I had gotten more involved.