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Fear of Squirrels Meets Worst Gift Ever

My little brother Dustin knows how much I HATE squirrels and he loves so much to tease me about it. I know it may be silly but I really am terrified of those creepy little things. I feel like every time one gets close to you that it secretly desires to run up your leg, latch on to your shoulders, and gnaw on your neck. Would that not freak you out? It does me and I truly believe this evil plot runs through the minds of all squirrels. So I try my best to stay far far away from squirrels.

But of course this Christmas my sweet dear brother had a different plan. I am sure if he could he would have bought a real squirrel to hide in the Christmas tree. Oh how I loathe that scene in Christmas Vacation. But since finding a real squirrel was slightly difficult Dustin bought me this lovely gift…


Needless to say I was less than thrilled. The entire family laughed and I squirmed a bit. Let’s just say that I did not bring this little treasure home with me. Instead I hid it in my parent’s Christmas tree. Hope they enjoy finding it! Anyone else out there fear squirrels? Let me know your thoughts.

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Jane Galloway - Renee, you look like your Mom in this picture

Carly - They only scare me when they get really close. Because anything is possible. So I always make my bird call and they go away. Theres a thought.

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