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Motivated Monday

Ahh the dreaded Monday. Too often I have wasted time on Sunday thinking about how much I didn’t want Monday to come. Or on the flip side, have you ever said the phrase ” I’ll start on Monday”? I have promised myself this millions of times only to make it to Tuesday disappointed and waiting for the next Monday to come so I could try again. Well I am tired of that cycle! So in light of the new year I have decided to try something new.

Introducing Motivated Monday!

Each Monday I am going to post a new weekly goal. Nothing huge and extravagant, just small simple things that I want to accomplish but always put off or find excuses not to do. So I am commiting to a week of something new. I will set a goal and try to accomplish it that week. Perhaps I will love that it so much that I will continue to do it in the future. And perhaps not! That’s the beauty of it. It’s only one week and I can do anything for a week. So I challenge you to play along. If you like my week’s
goal then strive to do it to and let me know how it goes. If you have your own Motivated Monday plan then please share! Maybe next week I will make it my goal! I am excited to take a risk and make changes. I would love for you to join me in these weekly challenges. I could use your support and encouragement. And I would love to offer the same for you.

Motivated Monday: Week 1
To pray for my spouse everyday!

I want to be a prayer warrior for my husband! I hope to pray intentionally everyday over his life. I want to devote all my heart and mind into praying for him for at least a small amount of time each day. Not just the simple “bless Andy” prayer. This prayer is fine, but I want more than that for my husband. So I want to earnestly pray for things that I know he needs pray for. Can you imagine how that would effect your life if someone was diligently lifting you up each day earnestly?
Wow. I want to be that for Andy. So I commit to praying for Andy everyday this week whole heartly!

You can do this too! If you are not married then pray for a friend or relative intentionally all this week.
What a blessing you could be.

I wanna hear your thoughts on this. So leave a comment and share your heart!

Get Motivated!

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Jo - I love you Renee! I love your heart! And I am joining you this week in praying for our spouse. Watch out, Josh! 🙂

Valerie - I am joining you this week!Praying for my dear Jonboy! Miss you dearly friend. Love ya!

Susie - Renee, what an excellent idea! I have often thought that I pray for others more than I do for Rick, so thank you for the inspiration. I will make the effort and let you know how it goes. Love you!

Melissa - What a wonderful idea…Motivated Monday…You come up with great goals….I will join in a Pray for my husband each day and night…next week how about motivation being walking around the block each day.

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