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Looking Back:Part I

Ever since I posted about my Glee confession I have been thinking nonstop about my life in high school. It’s funny how much you can remember once you begin to think about things. So in the midst of my reminiscing I decided to hit the photo albums to help jolt my memory. I really can’t believe all the junk I found that I have kept over the years. Letters, movie tickets, napkins, pictures, flyers…I mean the list goes on and on. Each one holds a memory. Some that I remember like it was yesterday, others I had forgotten until I saw something that brought it all back.  It is just fun to reflect, to think about such things and see where they have taken you.  I guess each little moment in my life has made me who I am now. So that is why I am posting about this. My blog is a place where you can get to know me. What better way to get to know me than to see where I have been. So here you go. The first glimpse at the past. I may regret this incriminating information in the future, but I am willing to take that risk I guess. So here is the first post in my looking back series. 

These images are from my high school choir and musical days. I loved choir because all sorts of students were involved; geeks, preps, jocks. It was a safe zone where people could just be themselves. I remember liking that a lot. No pressure. Just acceptance. And horrible gold la-may vests. HA! Well here you go. This is me and my choir pals back in the day. 


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