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Israel 2010: Day 6

Yesterday was a day filled with amazing experiences. We traveled around the Galilee area visiting locations  of  Jesus’ ministry. It is pretty powerful to know that you are walking on the same ground that the King and his disciples walked on so many years ago. It is such a blessing just to be here.

We began our day at the Shore of Capernaum at one location where it is believed that Jesus fed the 5000. T hen, we visited  the town of Capernaum which was been excavated and  built back up.  We were able to see the house and court yard that is believed to be Peter’s mother-in-law’s home. We walked through the old synagogue and spent time praying under a beautiful tree. Next  stop was at Korazin, which is another biblical city. It is pretty certain that Jesus walked those streets and preached in that synagogue. Afterwards we stood on the Mt. of Beatitudes and read the Sermon on the Mount. This was one of my favorite parts of the day. I actually sat on the hillside where Jesus sat and taught his twelve and listened to the same words He spoke to them so many years ago! My dear friend Ben read the Sermon of the Mount out-loud to a few of us and it was like I was hearing it for the first time.

Next we took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We spent time enjoying the view and worshipping. Last, we went to the Jordan River to be baptized. It was so precious to be able to listen to everyone as they gave a quick testimony before they were baptized in the same water that Jesus was baptized in. I know that everyone on the trip really enjoyed this time. I was able to watch as my husband was baptized in the river and then was blessed when he baptized me. It was an unforgettable experience.

Because I have so many images to post from yesterday I am going to break up the post. Below you will find images from the sites we visited. Once I get back from today’s excursions I will post the baptisms. Make sure you come back later because you will not want to miss those images!

(http://reneebooephotography NULL.jpg)

Shore of the Sea of Galilee

(http://reneebooephotography NULL.jpg)

(http://reneebooephotography NULL.jpg)

Due to the fact that I have 20 minutes to eat breakfast before the bus heads out for the day, I am going to post the images in a gallery. I believe if you click on the image you can see it at a larger scale.

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Darlene Harman (http://Israel20l0) - Renee, it is impossible to express my love and APPRECIATION TO you for the most awesome photography I have ever seen. Thanks so much for the beautiful explanations. I enjoy them so much and it is such a learning experience for me. You have spent a lot of time and talent to help us to see Jesus and his journey thru your eyes. I am Brennan Gounah’s Memaw, and the pictures that you have captured of him for his family are PRICELESS !! Hang in there girl!! Prayers for all of you!!!!!

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