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Ok friends, I need your help to win a contest.  I entered Kelly Moore’s New Years Resolution contest and I need your votes in order to win a Kelly Moore camera bag.

So here is what you do:

1. Click here to visit the contest website (http://kellymoorephotography

2. Find number 359 and vote over and over again!

3. Then leave a comment on my this post so I know who all helped out!

The contest starts at noon today and ends January 8th at noon so please vote soon. The website won’t be ready until noon so you have to wait until then. But once noon hits get there and vote please! And tell your friends, mom, uncle, and brother to vote too! Thanks so much for your help!

Here is picture of the sweet bag that could be mine with your help!


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patty - hey renee tried to vote bot the link wouldnt let me in …just the header game up!…sorry hope you win

Carly - Ok Mrs. Booe if you dont win this bag im going to be mad. I have spend 75 minutes voting for you.. so you should feel loved.

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