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Reflections on a New Year

I haven’t blogged for a while. Purposefully. I’ve been doing lots of reflecting and thinking about the new year. I’ve been pondering my goals and making lists of projects I want to accomplish. I’ve been praying a lot about my role as a SAHM and what that needs to look like with two kids. God has really been tugging at my heart and speaking to me about the way I manage my home and raise my children. Which is another blog post entirely. But I realize that I am in a season of transition. And that affects my business and my blogging. Not sure in what ways exactly. I just know that it does. So please know that I am still here. I am just taking some time to reflect, pray, and see what the Lord has for me, my family, and RBP.

 WHEW. With that said now I can share some of my goals and dreams for 2012. It is going to be a big year for us. We are on the vulnerable to move list. For all my civilian readers this means that the Air Force will be sending us somewhere new this summer. We don’t know where or when. We just know that the time is vastly approaching. I think this move plays a large role in my goals and projects for this year. Allow me to share with you some of the things I want to accomplish this year. I share them to keep myself accountable. And to possible encourage and inspire you out there to make goals too!

2012 Goals, Dreams, and Projects

1. Lose the weight I gained during Eli’s pregnancy.

2. Drink more water.

3. Commit to doing a daily educational activity with Eli.

4. Manage my home more like a business. (More to come on this)

5. Journal more.

6. Declutter. Purge one room of the house each month.

7. Live more simply. (More to come on how I plan to do this.)

8. Pray more intentionally for my husband and kids.

9. Have weekly family meetings.

10. Train for a triathlon.

11. Spend more time with friends.

12. Spend time in the Word every day.

14. Memorize scripture.

15. Cook dinner more often.

I have a long list of projects I want to do, books I want to read, and things I want to accomplish. But these 15 are my main goals for this year. What are your goals for 2012? Did you make any resolutions? I’d love to hear them.

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Brittny Harmon - Ohh Noo I hope you get to take some pictures for me and Lance before you move!

Renee - Don’t worry Brittny! We will be here for a few months at least. Let me know when Lance will be home.

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