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Israel: Day 13

Sadly, today is our last day here in this holy land. It has been an amazing experience that I look forward to sharing with you all. 

Today we are visiting some really awesome places. First we are going to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial. I have heard that this place is very moving. I am sure that it will be an emotional experience. Then we will be going to the Garden Tomb. WOW. I can’t imagine what it is going to feel like to stand in front of the tomb where they laid the body of Yeshua. I am overwhelmed to think that I am going to stand on the same ground that God’s messengers were when they told Mary that Yeshua is risen.  We are going to celebrate and share communion in front of an EMPTY TOMB. Praise God! After that awesome experience we will be heading to the airport for the long journey home.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray that we will have a greater understanding of the sacrifice Christ made on that cross. 

2. Pray that we will not leave Israel the same. Pray that God will have His way in each of us.

3. Pray for a safe trip home.

4. Pray that God will give you a heart for Israel and for His people. 



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