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Making the Cut: Working Out

As most of my friends and family know, I am a big fan of fitness. Working out has become a normal part of my life. I always feel better when I stick to my workouts and don’t slack off. (Don’t get me wrong, slacking does happen.) But I love the idea of training and conditioning my temple. There is something to be said about pushing yourself to run that last quarter of a mile or lifting that last rep. It’s empowering to set goals that seem impossible and then work hard to actually reach them, like completing a triathlon or even just doing 50 push ups.

 As someone who has always struggled with her weight I used to just workout to lose the pounds. But lately, thanks to my great workout partner’s insight and wisdom, God has been changing my outlook on exercising. It should be about staying fit and protecting our bodies and not just about losing weight.  That concept is refreshing to me and makes me look forward to my butt kicking workouts. So I want to encourage you to take control of your bodies and get active! Not to shed pounds, even though that may happen. But to keep your body healthy and to feel better about yourself. Exercise really does help.

Lastly, I want to share this killer workout with you. My friend and I have been doing Jillian Michael’s workout “Making the Cut.” It’s a one month exercise program that is jam packed with circuit training goodness. It is intense! Don’t believe me? Get the book and just try it. It really is amazing how far we can push these bodies. I will keep you posted on the results of our one month adventure. We are in week two and have a love/hate relationship with this program.  Ha! But, I think it really works. 

Thanks for listening! Blessings and happy exercising. 


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Jenn Mejia - Thank you Lord for the energy to do this crazy workout!!!!

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